Tourism Sponsorship Application Form


For an event to be considered for funding, all sections of the application must be completed. Missing information will 
delay review. Additional supporting documentation (such as prior year's performance of room nights generated) are 
strongly encouraged.


Tell us about your organization. How many years has the company been in business? Describe what experience the company and the management team have in producing similar events. Describe other events the company has produced in South Florida.


About the event

Describe who the event appeals to and why it would be a good fit for Broward County. Describe what tourism partners are involved. (For example, are you partnering with local hotels for promotions? Are local restaurants participating?)

Explain why one of the main purposes of this event is to attract tourists to Broward County.

What is the total budget? List all sources of revenue (ex. ticket sales, sponsors, etc.) What is your lowest-priced ticket? Describe how this sponsorship funding will be used.

Have you applied for funding for THIS EVENT from any other Broward County agency (including the Broward County Cultural Division)

Have you received funding for THIS EVENT from any other Broward County agency?

Event metrics

Please avoid including the percent sign.


Please avoid including the percent sign.


Please do not exceed file(s) greater than 5MB. Acceptable file types include the following: doc,docx,xls,xlsx,csv,ppt,pptx,msg,txt,rtf,pdf,bmp,jpeg,jpg,jpe,png,gif,tiff,tif,zip,eps

(Total number of hotel nights connected with hotel partners located in Broward County).

(Estimated total number of non-contracted hotel nights attendees will use at hotels located in Broward County).

If this is an established event, please detail the prior performance of the event (room nights and/or attendance). If this is a new event, explain in detail why you anticipate the numbers above.

• If this event occurred in the past, this information is required. • If this is a new event, information from a comparable event is recommended. Please do not exceed file(s) greater than 5MB. Acceptable file types include the following: doc,docx,xls,xlsx,csv,ppt,pptx,msg,txt,rtf,pdf,bmp,jpeg,jpg,jpe,png,gif,tiff,tif,zip,eps

Event promotion

Description should include marketing budget, media outlets, execution methods as well as how Broward County will be promoted.

(Examples: Visit Lauderdale logo included in six-month digital marketing campaign; Visit Lauderdale logo in email blasts to 200k audience, etc.)

Specifically, identify how you propose Visit Lauderdale should measure a successful investment of sponsorship funds concerning your event. Outline the metrics that will be used and identify how you will provide proof of performance prior to payment. (Examples: 3rd party certified study demonstrating number of hotel room nights consumed and attendee demographics; ticket sales numbers including zip code information; gate entrance counter with surveys to determine number of out-of-town visitors; etc.)

If there is any additional information you can provide, please attach that here.

Orange fields are required.

This is NOT a sponsorship agreement; no agreement is made between parties with this form.